A downloadable game for Windows

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Sets n Runs is a playing card game where you need to make a combination of Sets (three of a kind) or runs (4 in a row of the same  suit)

This game currently has very simple bots and (potential) support for up to 16 players at a time.
(i have plans to use steamworks etc. to allow you to join off of friends, but currently you need to port forward or use a vpn)


You win when you get rid of all your cards! Meaning you want the lowest points, (think golf)

How To Play

To get rid of your cards you need to set down the round requirement and flip them face up
(game starts with 2 sets, 1 set 1 run, 2 runs, 3 sets etc)
Once you are face up, you can start putting your cards on any other players cards who are face up (matching the set or run they have down)

You CAN put down more then the required set or runs ( for a 2 set game you can put down 3 sets etc) However a game of only sets means you can't put down runs, and a game of only runs mean you cant put down sets

A game finishes at 3 runs usually!

disclaimer: the newest build is relatively untested and any feedback on bugs would be appreciated but please send them privately on x or email epicaracacyyt@outlook.com

Updated 2 days ago
Published 8 days ago
StatusIn development
Release date 7 days ago
GenreCard Game
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Casual, Mouse only, Multiplayer, Tabletop
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SetsNRunsWinLauncher.zip 98 MB
sets-n-runs-online-win.zip 33 MB
Version 2

Development log

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